Tobias Perse
Burger King
Whopper Dog
Normal Christmas
Leg Day
Christmas Tree
Burger King
The Gift of Fire
Spicy Chicken
Footaction USA

As with many great stories, Tobias’s begins in New York, where he was a writer for Rolling Stone Magazine. His journalistic endeavour led to writing and co-directing a documentary about 9/11 that made it to Sundance and won a hatful of awards.
More awards and acclaim followed his move to commercials. His mockumentaries and playful pranks have made him the darling of Burger King, while his work for Lidl has bestowed him the (unofficial) title of the single greatest alternative Christmas ad director, without even going into films for McDonalds, Nivea, Footlocker and others.
He’s fast-talking and even quicker-thinking, never shy of an embedded clause in a long sentence – like this one – and this razor sharp wittedness sizzles in his work with a keen eye for comedy – often musical comedy – and a relish for the less expected complexities of modern life. It makes for some delightfully off-the-wall films, and supremely entertaining, if occasionally somewhat baffling, Zoom calls.
Recent exploits includes a project for the Polaroid Foundation working with monumental installation artist Ibrahim Mohana in Ghana, whilst continuing to take the continental commercials industry by storm – is there anything this man can’t do? An office job, probably.