
Jesper Ericstam


United We Dream by New Talent signing Emilio Gamal Boutros


12 November 2018

We are all, at Nice Shirt, absolutely thrilled that, Emilio Gamal Boutros has very deservedly won an ADCAN award hot on the heels of him joining the Nice Shirt New Talent roster.

ADCAN is an international competition which invites up and coming filmmakers to create and submit a completed commercial for a live charity brief.

The film, for US charity United We Dream, highlights the unfair treatment of many undocumented immigrants under the Trump administration.

It’s a hard-hitting concept, and fabulously well realised, especially given the production restrictions of having to cast and shoot in the UK. Emilio came up with the idea, wrote and directed the film in the space of month, ably produced by Jack Cain (another member of the Nice Shirt team).

Emilio is a graduate of the prestigious Arts University of Bournemouth, and has been making short films and music videos since leaving the college, as well as working as a researcher at Nice Shirt.

Richard Martin, Nice Shirt’s EP, says: “We have high-hopes for Emilio. Beneath his self-effacing exterior he is one of the brightest, most creative and hardest working people I’ve ever met. His directorial work already shows a distinctive style and I’m sure there is much more to come. The ADCAN award is evidence of a considerable talent.”

The Royal British Legion
by Tareq & Stuart Douglas


6 November 2018

We have a warm and fuzzy feeling at Nice Shirt towers after this year’s offering for The Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal finally aired.

Co-directed by Tareq & Stuart Douglas, the campaign features some truly impressive individuals: British Paralympian Richard Whitehead MBE; war hero and Victoria Cross recipient Johnson Beharry; Mark Strong, Bear Grylls, Mumsnet’s Justine Roberts and a host of others.

The film explains what life-changingly significant contributions the WW1 generation made to our world, in a time of deep and dark conflict that puts the current Euro-shambles into perspective.

Humbling stuff with which we are very proud to have been involved.

Shell by Stuart Douglas


17 September 2018

Stuart’s second film for Shell’s Partnership series is a fascinating insight into the world of professional basketball training – which is increasingly psychological as well as physical.

The film profiles Charlotte based Brandon Payne, who trains Stephen Curry – twice NBA MVP and regarded by many players and analysts as the greatest shooter in NBA history – which I guess makes him an NBA MVP GOAT.

It seems that it’s not enough to be tall, blisteringly fast, strong, accurate and fitter than a butcher’s dog – you also need to have superhuman spatial awareness, the reflexes of a praying mantis, the ability to multitask that would see most of us lie down and start weeping and a calm but unshakable motivation that is frankly beyond most mortals. Oh, and science, lots and lots of science, and then some more science.

Think you’re pretty good at shooting hoops – think again.



Hamburg Film Fest

JJ Keith



Stuart Douglas


Nivea by Tobias Perse


4 July 2018

“I really like you, as a friend” – is there a more seemingly gentle but absolutely crushing line?  Well, yes there is, and watch these two wonderful little films from Nice Shirt director Tobias Perse and find out what they are.

These films for Nivea amply display Tobias’s ability to take a straight forward script and take it to the next level, mixing engaging, funny performances with a heightened and deliciously surreal take on things.

