Aldi by Stuart Douglas


13 July 2016

Stuart Douglas’s latest film for Aldi celebrates some very good vibes in the run up to Team GB’s Rio 2016 campaign.

The film provides a feel-good factor for our somewhat beleaguered country, reminding us that we produce some truly great sportsmen and women – if not international football teams. We also produce some wonderful fruit & veg (and chickens), grown in our beautiful countryside by noble British Farmers – all alas soon to be impoverished due to the lack of EU subsidies.

Stuart’s sumptuous photography, combined with his keen eye for making the ordinary seem extraordinary and topped off with a little bit of Aldi’s trademark tongue in cheek humour, makes the film (like hopefully some of the athletes) a winner.

Anyway – there is a real sense of community and diversity, backed by Elgar’s Nimrod, and you’d have to have a heart made of stone not to be left a little bit moved by this film.

Wimbledon by Olly Goodrum


29 June 2016

So we as a nation are not doing too well at the moment so what better time than now to revel in what we do best and champion our traditions and heritage. Wimbledon is at least a shining light in these murky times – it’s a world leader in how to do things right and proper.

Olly Goodrum’s latest films for Wimbledon help us realise that there is still some goodness in the country and we still have some things to be proud of.

Directed, shot and edited by Olly himself, these beautifully observed films show us the often unsung heroes of the All England Lawn Tennis Club. We witness very personal and intimate portraits juxtaposed with images of the world famous tournament.

The Ballboy gives us the heartfelt emotion of a young man’s debut as one of Wimbledon most iconic elements.

The Groundsman tells of one of the most important people in the Wimbledon set-up and the nerves and passion involved in keeping that famous grass in top condition.

The List is an interesting story of the nitty-gritty details that the Wimbledon team have to consider and deal with in the continual pursuit of greatness.

We feel better already just watching these films – now – COME ON MURRAY! (Scotland’s finest……)

El Lienzo- When the Ring Falls Silent
By Olly Goodrum


18 May 2016

A story of Mexican Rodeo

Olly Goodrum flies to Mexico and makes a film – not that unremarkable you might think but 10 days spent with the travelling circus that is Mexico’s Rodeo scene makes a story as interesting as the film itself.

Deep in Mexican cowboy country the Rodeo is not for tourists or the faint of heart, forget what you might have seen further north in the US. Mexican Rodeo takes on a colour and spectacle that is unique to this amazing country. Charrería, not soccer, is Mexico’s National sport. Music, colour, noise, hero-worship, children and old men (and everyone in between!) are part of the pageant. Health and safety are out of the window and limbs and lives are on the line.

Olly’s mission starts with a collaboration with a stills photographer and develops into him making his own film. Six months approaching the right people for access – no easy task as the scene is not comfortable with outsiders as it is generally very harshly judged by its US equivalent and the West in general.

True to Olly’s personality as soon as the access is given he hops on a plane armed with a camera and sound recorder. He follows the riders themselves and becomes part of their camp – he is given unparalleled access to the preparation and shows.
We think Olly has made an incredibly beautiful film that provokes and beguiles in equal measure, judge for yourself, but we think you will have not seen anything like it before.

It All Started So Well
By Liz Murphy


10 May 2016

Is You Tube the repository of all human endeavor? Is it true if it’s not on You Tube it never happened? These are philosophical questions, but meanwhile Liz Murphy’s latest collaboration with BBH puts a very clever spin on the well-worn concept of You Tube video as ad, by constructing a backstory to a well known clip, taking us back to the optimistic breakfast hours of the fateful day in question.

“ It all started so well”

The breakfast scenes are all shot with Liz’s trademark effortless, beautiful realism, and evoke a fabulous sense of delicious museli-fuelled optimism from under which the rug is swiftly pulled by the famous clip.

We in the office chuckle every time we see them, but then again we are a pretty sadistic bunch.

Cricket fans will note the excellent forward defensive spoon-work or our hero, preceding what is widely regarded as the most inept batting performance in the history of the sport (Nice Shirt management excluded).

Bringing Summer Home
by JJ Keith


27 April 2016

We all know that the great British Summer consists of two fine days and thunderstorm, but JJ Keith’s latest creation has us reveling in the irrational hope & expectation of the summer ahead. It’s that time of year when our minds turn to the cooking of meat outdoors. It’s time for the return of the BBQs.

JJ’s tongue in cheek epic sees the summer becoming complete with the return migration of our beloved BBQ. Big, small, disposable, square and cute little shy ones flock in to roost, much to the delight of their owners after a long, cold, lonely winter.

Shot over four days in Switzerland and Cape Town, JJ displays his ability wring emotion and humour from a bizarre situation. His skills of marshaling post production and live action also came to the fore as the BBQ’s are a mixture of mechanical puppeteering and CGI.

It leaves us yearning to hug our families, overcook meat products, and enjoy the long summer days ahead.
