Tareq follows a group of Little Legends
on a Cup Final day they’ll never forget


18 March 2015

The 2015 Capital One Cup Final was made all the more special for a merry band of competition winners, who joined the London Youth Choir to become the final’s official Little Legends, where they were given a once-in-a-lifetime chance to take over Wembley and help put on an amazing show.

Each Little Legend had an important part to play at the final. Such daunting tasks obviously requires a pre-match pep talk — in this case given by Kaiser Chief’s frontman Ricky Wilson. The film shows Ricky’s surprise introduction to the Legends at Wembley before the big game.

A few words of wisdom are given by The Voice’s most charming judge and then our Legends are off and away: we’re fully immersed into their special day with Tareq’s gently observational film giving us an exhilarating look at all the different amazing roles the Legends had at of football’s biggest occasions — from flag-barers to kit-hangers, spot-kickers to journalists, all done in front of 90,000 fans.


The film demonstrates Tareq’s now well-established documentary filming talent, always perfectly capturing ‘The Moment’ in any environment. Seeing the London Youth Choir give us a stirring rendition of the national anthem is a highlight, with the joy written across the faces of all the Little Legends as they do their dream job particularly heart-warming. We’re gently guided through the Little Legends’ momentous day with a deft narrative touch that is a real pleasure to watch.

Carsick Cars
Stuart’s hazy, trippy, sunny music video for Man Made


17 March 2015

Stuart Douglas and Man Made have teamed-up for a visual treat to accompany the Manchester three-piece’s new track “Carsick Cars”. Man Made features Nile Marr, son of legendary guitar hero Johnny Marr of The Smiths, on guitar and vocals.

The track’s fuzzy, jangly guitars and dreamy lyrics are given the perfect visual treatment. Busy urban hangout scenes are layered with carefree, sun-baked So-Cal beach and desert locales, giving us a carefree double-exposure portrait of some kind of hazy lo-fi adventure.

‘The video was a fun project I shot whenever I could whilst working on a bunch of other projects’ said Stuart. ‘Nile and the guys wanted a kind of loose, travelogue feel. We shot all over — Hamburg, Cape Town, in London as well as LA and the high California desert. Dave at The Quarry has done a fantastic job cutting together all the abstract material — the trippy patterns kaleidoscoping into one another put you on a visual high’


Spend some quality family time with Liz’s latest for Toffifee


10 February 2015

Dad and the kids are getting arty and crafty at the kitchen table. Mum is being helped-but-not-really-helped with putting new sheets on the bed. The kids are making sure every last bubble is popped on the bubble wrap… Liz’s film revels in these simple, cosy family moments, whilst also reminding us to put down our phones and enjoy time spent together as a family (with all its messes, giggles, shouts and fun). Even the dog gets some love. Top the whole thing off with some delicious chocolate treats and you’ve got the perfect day.

Our time spent with the Toffifee family is beautifully observational as we get right in amongst their day spent together. Paint is spilled and pans boil over in this perfect portrait of family life, directed with a tone and subtlety we’ve come to expect from Liz. Plus we see certain members of our family engaging in a spot of balloon football wearing scuba diving flippers, so you’ve really got no reason not to watch.

