Camping Weekend · Activia
Liz’s latest is a joyful slice of authentic family life, chock-full of spot-on family holiday references… are we there yet??
The spot works on the basis that you can leave it to Activia’s fiendishly healthy desserts to make you feel good on the inside, so you can enjoy on feeling good on the outside. And so it proves with our Mum as she spreads the goodness across a delightful family trip to the countryside. She’s determined to make year’s camping trip the *best ever* camping trip, come rain and/or shine, arguments and/or boredom, complete with teepees, bunting, sing-songs and more.
Liz brings her beautiful photographic sensibility to the film, imbuing the film with a deft touch of believability – typically Liz, but not something we’ve come to expect from previous spots in this sector.