

Cornerstones Collection · Forevermark

Nice Shirt Films is excited to announce the arrival of Liz Murphy to its growing roster of talented directors. A young talent belying her large repertoire of work, Liz grew up in Australia and relocated to London four years ago.

Liz, like so many other directors, racked up the plaudits throughout her early years – but no other filmmaker can lay claim to her Canberra Ballet School’s Award for Excellence, aged only 9. A creatively diverse development followed: at home where she made her own DIY animations right through to film school, where she directed tender, emotional art films.

Upon graduation, Liz was shortlisted for the CFP-E/Shots Young Director award at Cannes with her first ever job. After winning more awards for Suncorp and conducting a frantic symphony in a marvellous Telstra ad, Liz continued her knack for developing and creating an array of beguiling films including complex stop-frame animation in her intricate RAC and Homebase commercials.

One of the most diverse directors we’ve come across, Liz’s debut collaboration with Nice Shirt is a spot for the Debeers diamond brand, Forevermark.

The spot is a beautiful one; giving us a captivating glimpse into an emotional connection between a man and a woman. Liz encapsulates the affection the couple share with each other with a palette of warm colours, intimate focus and touching performances.

Liz has also recently completed “Heart Lock”; a self-written, self-produced short film about a boy meeting a girl with an intriguing secret. It has comfortably found its place on the 2013 festival circuit, premiering at the Atlantic Film Festival in Canada.

The folk at Nice Shirt commented, “Liz wowed us with her intelligence (she’s a self-confessed technical nerd), tenacity and remarkable attention to detail. She’s also very funny and great fun to work with. She is a director with many feathers to her bow and we are very much looking forward to developing her talents in this market. ”

View Liz’s showreel at the website
And there’s always lots more fun at the Nice Shirt Blog
